In the United States, July 4th is a popular day for parties and celebrations to show your patriotism to the country. If you're looking for fun ways to educate the children in your center about this date while keeping them entertained, we’ve got you covered with 4 affordable, easy activities!
A simple, affordable, and fun Fourth of July activity for young children is a sensory bin. These items can all be purchased at your local dollar store and compiled in a patriotic, red, white, and blue fashion to show off your Independence Day spirit! Check out these tips for making your own.
Head to your local craft store and pick up supplies to make a popsicle stick American flag. Teach children about the significance of the 50 stars, the 13 stripes, and more as they build their own American flags out of easy-to-use materials with a low price point! View PBS’ instructions.
Writing a thank-you note, sending a quick ‘hi!’, or creating a drawing for someone in the military is a great way to celebrate the Fourth of July and honor the men and women serving our country. Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons did this with her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop and then packed up the letters and sent them to A Million Thanks, which then delivers the cards to men and women who are serving overseas.
If you feel like July 4th is approaching a little too quickly, these snacks are the perfect fit! You only need 4 ingredients and it’s so easy to make that the kids could even make their own if you'd like to keep their little hands busy. These flag cookies start with a graham cracker then include either frosting or whipped topping on top. To finish the cookies, the children can add blueberries and strawberries to design their very own American flag.
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