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How to Generate Childcare Leads All Year Round

Written by Pikka Turangan | 27/04/2021 9:00:00 PM

During the year, there are many opportunities to lose the momentum of enquiries due to distractions or interference in the centre. Here we give you the best all year round tips, on and off ChildcareCRM to help you and your centre constantly gain enquiries.

Own your Online Presence

In today’s world, everything is digital and everything is public. The question often arises, ‘if it's not online - did it really happen?’ The two best online marketing tools that will always be your saving grace are your website and Facebook page. Your centre’s website holds all the important information that your families need to know such as what age group you offer, contact information, how to book a tour, your team and what your centre looks like. First impression matters and the website will be the first place parents go to gain their interest. Google has calculated that the average person will only spend 45 seconds on a website. How will you make those 45 seconds turn into an enquiry?

Learn more about how ChildcareCRM can help you gain more enquiries & enrolments here.

Next is Facebook, the fun stuff! Once prospective families understand the centre values, look and feel, they will usually try to find your Facebook page. If families are already happy and interested in your centre, your Facebook page will be the closing deal.

Ask yourself these questions from a parent's perspective when you open up your Facebook page:
  • Can families see what the children will learn at the centre?

  • Can families see the value they will receive in return for their financial investment?

  • Can families also see that we don’t just offer care but also education and EYLF programming?

If the answer is yes to these questions - great job! You are well on your way to enrolling more families at your centre. If the answer is no to any of these - set aside some time to manage your business profile and add photos, posts, or bios that will encourage parents about the quality of your centre and programs. Take a look at an example Facebook post (click here).

Don't Forget About Your Pipeline

Your families in your pipeline are still part of your community, don’t leave them behind! Even though they are not enrolled in your centre they are still waiting to hear from you and be involved. Marketing Templates & Automation in ChildcareCRM can do just that. Inviting pipeline families to Family Breakfasts, Fundraising events, Information Nights, and any other centre events, will guarantee your families to have a better experience with your centre before they have even enrolled. Families who have been on the fence about enrolling at your centre will have a better start with your centre as they already feel welcomed to the small centre community.

Emphasise Safety First

We are still living in the world of COVID-19 and based on recent progressions, we will be for a little while longer. It is important for every centre to showcase their safety measures against COVID-19 so that all families (new and already enroled) and educators feel safe. Use your online presence, email and texts in ChildcareCRM to announce safety measures and COVID-19 changes at your centre.
Each centre should also be highlighting safety measures they take to keep the children safe every day. For example show prospective parents on Facebook that you enforce sun safety by wearing hats and sunscreen outside and creating multiple shaded areas where children can play outside for long periods of time.


Tell Your Families About What's Going On

Keep your families in the loop with everything that is happening in your centre and community. The average number of years a family will stay in a long day care is 2-3 years. This is their home away from home and they want to feel connected. 

Building positive connections with your families will improve the likelihood of word-of-mouth recommendations, which then leads to additional enquiries! Click here for an example newsletter template made on ChildcareCRM.

The marketing templates within ChildcareCRM, along with your Facebook page are the best and most efficient ways to share good news, new centre programs, and community updates with your families. See how ChildcareCRM can help you streamline the parent experience and increase family satisfaction at your centre. Schedule a demo with ChildcareCRM here.