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AU Childcare Subsidy Boost: Get More Families Enrolled

Written by Pikka Turangan | 17/05/2021 3:15:28 PM

The Australian Government has announced a big change to the federal budget regarding childcare subsidy. From July 2022, the subsidy cap which has restricted families to only $10,560 per child a year will be scrappedMake sure you’re prepared to take advantage of the increase in interest around childcare. Effective CRM software can be the difference between you or your competitors getting these enrolments. 

Excited about the new change? Here’s what you can do to prepare for July 2022: 

1) Capture New Leads

It’s never too early to capture new family leads. Parents are always shopping around for a centre where they feel most safe and comfortable. Make it easier for them by directing your Facebook posts and advertising to your book a tour form on your website, e-newsletters, or to call you at the centre. By getting them through the door quicker – you can secure their spot before another competitor. 
Learn more about LineLeader by ChildcareCRM's landing pages here.

2) Work Smarter and Convert Higher

Automate your enquiry follow-up workflows to decrease manual tasks. With automation your centre will be able to follow up with your families on a personal and regular basis, this keeps the families engaged and your centre at the front of their minds. Don't waste your time on manual tasks when CRM software can do the work for you! 
Learn more about LineLeader by ChildcareCRM's marketing automation here.

3) Fill and Manage Your Waitlist

Repeat step one and two to fill your waitlist – prepare your centre for each month so you are on budget and hitting your occupancy goals. Use email and text templates to mass communicate with your families about what is happening at your centre and get them excited about their upcoming start date. 
Learn more on how you can build relationships and manage your waitlist here.

4) Communicate Effectively

Families are always nervous about putting their child into care, with LineLeader you can manage and view all your family’s details and create personalised communication about their enrolment. Keep them updated on how your centre can manage their family’s needs. Provide them information that is unique to their needs and enrolment, families would be appreciative that you have taken the time to pull information that would make them feel reassured.

Families and other childcare centres will be waiting patiently for the exciting new changes to commence in July 2022. Take this opportunity to grow your business, create strong relationships with your families and let parents know about the importance of their child’s early learning journey. 

To learn more about how LineLeader can help you achieve higher enrolment rates and ease your workload, visit our products page.