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Market to Parents on Your Childcare Waitlist

Written by Emily Smith | Apr 6, 2018 9:14:00 AM

Did you know today's Millennials are the first generation of parents to grow up in the digital age? đź’»

Millennial parents expect fast responses, online options, and the ability to self-serve - since their schedules are packed. You need best practices to move Millennial parents through to enrollment or waitlist status.

Check out the trends and best practices other successful centers use to enroll these prospects.

Know Where to Find Your Target Market

Did you know the average millennial mom spends about 23 hours online per week? That's nearly 20 percent more than women as a whole! Take into consideration that 68 percent say they rely “heavily” on their smartphones and BINGO! You have a quick, easy way to reach your target demographic!

Know What Matters to Them

Millennials are one of the most “cost-conscious” generations in recent memory. Nearly 78 percent of millennial moms say cost is the largest determining factor when making any purchase and 70 percent will not make a purchase without reading reviews or being referred by a friend or colleague. A great way to capitalize on this is to offer a referral program like SoTellUs to engage your active parents and turn them into free promoters!

Don’t Forget Dad!

Many millennial dads take a more hands-on approach with their children than other generations. We know men see and act on advertising differently from women, so it's important to keep the millennial dad persona in mind when crafting advertising campaigns. Dads are more likely to follow up on information if shown through multiple sources of media, so engage them with emails and texts!

There are now 10.8 MILLION households with millennial parents at the helm. Don’t let outdated forms of advertising and communication slow your enrollment numbers!

Engage Your Childcare Waitlist

80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience.

Engage your childcare waitlist with relevant and useful material. Providing parents on your waitlist with valuable content reassures each family that you're thinking about their needs and want to build a mutualistic relationship. With vast childcare industry options, you need to remind top of mind with waitlisted families by keeping them engaged. Parents on your waitlist are likely communicating with other childcare centers. So, it's vital to cater to Millennial parent preferences and offer them communications that give you a competitive advantage. Check out a few ways to include personalized content in your enrollment messages below to waitlisted families below.

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  • How to Teach Responsibility - Even to Toddlers
  • Ways to Demonstrate Effective Communication with Young Children

Effectively Advertise Your Center and Interact with Millennial Parents on Your Childcare Waitlist 

It's crucial to target your largest parent demographic - Millennial parents.

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