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How to Standardize Tour Management At Your Childcare Enterprise

Written by Asyah Jiron | Nov 9, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Do your staff give top-notch childcare tours? 

Without a standardized tour strategy across your organization – staff may forget to include key talking points that make your center stand out against the competition. 

But effective center tours are your golden ticket to... 

  • More enrollments. 
  • Increased revenue. 
  • A better childcare experience. 

 In fact, giving a childcare tour is one of the most important conversion points throughout your enrollment process. Childcare enterprises that provide a convenient, informative tour experience see greater enrollment success 

 It's time to ensure that you, your center staff, and your enrollment team are all on the same page.

The Impact of Unsuccessful Family Tours  

When there’s no real process in place – everyone's left guessing. 

Center staff will wonder how to organize an efficient tour that meets corporate standards. Meanwhile, you and your enrollment team have little to no insight into how tours are being conducted at each center. 

 It becomes a challenge to know which locations need additional resources or training. 

Improve Your Touring Experience for All Families  

So, how can you and your team give every parent a personalized tour experience they’ll never forget?  

Start by streamlining communication with center staff before the tour. And an outstanding childcare solution can help.  

For example, LineLeader by ChildcareCRM has a tool to ensure everyone provides a great tour and stays on brand, on time. With Talking Points, you and your center directors can effortlessly provide essential discussion topics that every staff member should cover while hosting a tour.  

It’s like the ultimate cheat sheet for your team! 

How to Standardize Childcare Tours, Across Centers 

Standardize talking points by each center, region, brand, or type of tour. Differentiate yourself from the center across the street by incorporating meaningful comments about family preferences.  

For example, if a staff member or Center Director is giving a tour to a family with a 6-month-old – personalize it. Drop-in comments for your employees ahead of time, so they make sure to stop by your infant classrooms that have stretching corners! Interested families will love how your location promotes physical milestones, like learning to roll, through increased flexibility. 

Everyone wins. Leadership ensures staff are on the same page, while families get the excellent experience they’re looking for. 

Host Amazing Tours At All Your Locations

Talking Points is exactly what it sounds like 

This exciting tool allows you to list crucial things your staff should mention while giving a tour of your center. Take a look at these examples:  

  • Some families are health conscious. Go over ABC Learning organization’s organic food program while giving a tour of the cafeteria. 
  • ABC Learning is the only childcare organization in this area that provides a nature discovery program. Highlight our garden 
  • Ms. Williams just won Teacher of the Month! Since this family’s touring is at lunchtime – have her give a brief overview of ABC Learning’s stellar curriculum. 

 You can customize these discussion items by region, location, tour type, or age group (easily add tour talking points via desktop while your staff conveniently views each note from a tablet). That way, your team can easily refer to the Talking Points you’ve set during a tour. 

The Advantage: Benefits of Talking Points 

Talking Points help increase tour conversion success and parent satisfaction. Deliver the personalized enrollment journey your families crave. Use Talking Points to:  

  • Customize tour talking points for different audiences. Within the Talking Points comment section, you’re able to tweak your language to target different prospective parents regarding the age of their child, facility/developmental preferences, and more.  
  • Include vital details about your facility and programs – such as COVID-19 protocols, curriculum and teacher credentials, safety, special diets, classroom allergies, etc.   
  • Save staff time and equip them with the information they need to enroll each family who comes to tour. Your staff will automatically have all the information they need at their fingertips.   
  • Easily standardize tours and track tour performance across all locations in your multi-site childcare organization.  
  • Increase the quality of your tours with a streamlined strategy to improve enrollment rates.   

How to Use Talking Points  

Talking Points is designed to be viewed on a tablet during the tour. Using a tablet during tours is comfortable for your staff, making it easy to add comments. 

 Include information about the family’s needs, likes, and dislikes. Plus, equip your staff with resources so they know how to properly market your childcare facility.  

 You’ll find LineLeader’s helpful tour tool conveniently located in our Enroll platform. Your staff can access key ‘Talking Points’ in the Tour Scheduling or Parent-Scheduled Tours feature. 

Reflect, then optimize your tour management with detailed insight. 

Following a tour, view the tour sheet record in LineLeader. The tour sheet includes vital family information. Plus, see necessary tour conversion data at a glance with a Tours & Meetings Report 

Then, you’ll have the exact oversight needed to adjust your Talking Points, as needed. Keep every center on track for the next tour with real-time performance insight. Use Talking Points to streamline tours for parents and staff. Standardize your enrollment strategy with this intuitive LineLeader feature. 

Not a User Yet? 

Schedule a demo for an in-depth overview of LineLeader Enroll to save time and improve your family tours. 

Already a User? 

Click the step-by-step article here to learn how to set up Talking Points in LineLeader Enroll.