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10 Heartfelt Ways to Appreciate Your Childcare Staff & Parents

Did you know – an employee that’s recognised and appreciated is 5x more likely to see growth in their organisation? And these employees are 44% more likely to be “thriving” in their life overall? Wow! 

So with that information in mind, it’s no secret that showing gratitude to your centre's staff holds great significance. Happy employees contribute to a nurturing environment for families, ultimately resulting in satisfied customers. 

As a childcare provider, expressing appreciation for your team and families not only acknowledges their invaluable support but also strengthens the collaborative relationship that is vital for a successful early learning community. 

Why Making Your Team Feel Appreciated is Important 

Letting your educators know you appreciate them is more than an empty platitude. It will strengthen the bond between you and your staff, creating a team that works better together and focuses more on the children. 

1) Celebrating milestones 
Your centre team members spend most of their time with you and in the centre. So, make sure they feel recognised for any anniversaries, birthdays, work achievements and more. Acknowledge these milestones with small gestures, such as a personalised note, a small gift, or a team celebration. 

 Childcare Workers and students

Teachers reading a book with students 

2) Highlighting a star employee  

Highlighting a star employee on a regular basis is nothing new, but incorporating it at your centre can give your employees something to work toward. You could even put together a short blurb in the centre newsletter to let families know their hard work and dedication to the centre. 

3) Team building activities 

Team building activities are important to maintain strong relationships between each team member, especially if the team is growing. This could involve fun games, outdoor excursions, or team challenges that encourage better teamwork and communication so that your families are able to receive the best kind of care from anyone at your centre. 

4) Community events 

Get your team involved in community events outside and inside the centre. Allow your staff to give back and make a positive impact outside of the childcare centre. This could involve volunteering at local charities, participating in fundraising events, or organising donation drives. Some of these events could be to help enroled parents who are also involved in any charity events. Encourage staff members to engage in these activities to better establish relationships with the community and families. 

5) Have the children write thank you letters to the educators 

You can never go wrong with a handwritten letter. Handwritten and especially hand-crafted letters from the children always go a long way.  

Thank Your Parents for Choosing YOU  

1) Write a childcare thank you letter to parents. 

Thank you letters are a great way to show appreciation for your centre's parents. A good way to personalise your letters could be by sharing an anecdote that your or your staff have had with them or with their child.  

 Letter to Parents


Thank you letter example 

2) Give your families a cup of coffee. 

A hot drink and caffeine is a sometimes all they need to make their morning just a little bit better. Some centres offer a ‘to-go coffee and snack station’ near their front desk for families during drop off. This is also a great way to take a moment with your families and ask them how they are feeling about the centre and if they have any feedback to share (and if it’s positive – have them leave an online review while they sip their coffee or tea!). 

3) Showcase their child’s work in a centre art gallery event. 

Artwork on the fridge only receives so many views. Show how much the centre actually values children’s development, artwork and creativity through a open centre event. Where the families are in a comfortable setting and the children are able to be confident about their work.  

4) Highlight your parents and students on social media. 

If you get permission from the parent, you can take a photo of their child doing an activity and post it on your social pages. You can share a fun fact or a summary of what they are doing in the photo. This is also a great way to recognise your families.  

Tip: If you don’t want to share it publicly on social media, consider starting a private newsletter, FB group, or using a parent engagement app that’s just for the families enroled at your centre. 

parents with child 

Two parents with their daughter 

Appreciation Goes a Long Way 

By thanking your staff and families, you can build lifelong relationships and cultivate strong teams. Deliver a better family and staff experience with a unified platform that brings everyone together.  

Visit LineLeader for more ways to enhance your staff and family experience. 

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Meet The Author

Pikka Turangan is an experienced marketer with a demonstrated history of working in the childcare industry. She is highly skilled in communications, copywriting, marketing strategy, campaign management, and event management. Pikka received her Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with a focus in Marketing from Queensland University of Technology. She serves as the Marketing Manager for ChildcareCRM's Australian market.

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