You know your time is valuable, and we couldn’t agree more. That’s why we've released four brand-new features to help you better manage your staff, enrollment, and reporting with ease. ⏰
Let’s dive into how these new tools will help you reduce wasted time and improve the way you manage your business operations. ✅
Updates to LineLeader Enroll, our customer relationship management software.
1) Get the enhanced insight every team member needs with custom dashboards.
A VP of Marketing wants to:
- Increase lead flow
- Boost conversions
- Grow enrollment
A VP of Finance is hoping to:
- Grow enrollment
- Be profitable
- Remain compliant
A Center Director has goals to:
- Increase enrollment
- Build a strong staff culture
- Engage the community
Now everyone can easily track what’s working and what’s not to help them be successful.
LineLeader Enroll now allows multi-site users to build custom dashboards. This allows all users to gain easy access to the information they need most to perform at their best.
Take the guesswork out of what’s working and what’s not in your enrollment process.
Key Benefits
- Get access to real-time data.
- Create a personalized view.
- See the insight that matters most – at a glance.
- Help every role reach success.
Example of LineLeader Enroll: Custom dashboard
2) Use logical landing pages to decrease parents’ confusion and increase inquiries.
Today's families are busier than ever before. So, it’s essential that you find ways to minimize the number of manual tasks they have to complete when inquiring for care – so you can improve family satisfaction and boost conversion success.
Well, we’ve got the solution.
Logical landing pages narrow down the number of center locations parents must filter through when filling out a form on your website – making it even easier for them to inquire for care, schedule a tour, and more. And they’re available now, in LineLeader Enroll’s CRM for multi-sites.
Parents simply type in their zip code and LineLeader will auto-populate only the locations closest to them so they can easily identify which center they’re interested in.
Save precious time. Help families navigate your forms easier to increase inquiry rates and conversion success.
WITHOUT Logical Landing Pages: Doesn’t include a zip code, has no narrowed list of nearby centers.
WITH Logical Landing Pages: Does include a zip code, has a narrowed list of nearby centers.
Key Benefits
- Help parents find the location they’re looking for faster.
- Improve the enrollment experience for families.
- Increase inquiry rates and improve conversion success.
Updates to LineLeader Manage, our childcare management system.
3) Save time and get paid faster with automated past-due notifications.
How much time do you or your staff spend chasing down tuition payments and late fees?
It’s extra work when families don’t pay their tuition fees on time. You’re left manually searching for invoices and tracking down each family one by one.
Unfortunately, this leads to uncomfortable conversations that everyone wants to avoid.
Now, you can automate communications to families who are overdue on tuition – encouraging them to pay their fees sooner, rather than later.
With this new tool in LineLeader Manage (award-winning childcare management system), you can save time and avoid awkward conversations with parents.
To get started as a current user, simply:
- Enter the date you want your first ‘past due’ collection communication to start
- Decide how often (and for how long) you want these emails to send
...that’s it! Get paid faster – every time – by automating emails to families with past-due balances.
Key Benefits
- Save time.
- Eliminate the stress and hassle of hunting down families.
- Streamline your cash flow to increase revenue.

4) Conveniently manage staff schedules and monitor overtime hours.
You’ve got a lot on your plate.
And getting everything done on your daily to-do list can often feel impossible, largely in part due to ongoing staffing shortages.
Not to mention – each of your staff members has different availability, separate schedules, and varying reasons for overtime. And you have to keep track of it all.
Not for much longer. Stop juggling and start managing.
LineLeader Manage now offers administrators and directors, like you, the convenience of approving timecards from your cell phones. Stay organized by validating in one click – right from your mobile device.
Timecard Approval in the Engage Mobile Application
Plus, easily manage staff’s overtime. Instantly see a report that shows you overtime hours (or projected overtime) for every team member so you can stay in compliance and on track with your payroll budget.
Key Benefits
- Conveniently approve timecards from your mobile phone.
- Manage overtime in a few clicks.
- Stay organized and in control.
Updated Staff Time Report in Manage, CMS
Lead your team to success with LineLeader.
With these enhancements, you can easily manage staff and get paid faster. Plus, multi-site organizations will save time and have the ability to personalize their data.
It’s time to improve your day-to-day. LineLeader can help.
Not a User Yet or Interested in Adding More Products?
Request these brand-new features by scheduling a demo or contacting your Customer Success Advocate.
Already Have Enroll and Manage?
Your new features are ready for you – available now. Learn more from the Knowledge Base articles below.